Pigmentation in depth
Learn how to determine constitutional risk factors and possible pathological changes incorporating an in depth explanation of pigmentation.
This unit adds a whole new layer to what has been covered in previous modules. This is the advanced training on pigmentation. Based on the work of European masters, Joseph Angerer, Josef Deck and Toni Miller's clinical observation since 1981.
283 images.
Preparation reading The Integrated Iridology Textbook Chapters 15, 16 and 23.
Graduates of this last unit of Physical Iridology will be inspired to use Integrated Iridology with every client.
Pigments have been observed to develop after exposure to noxious chemicals or physical injury. The colour of the pigment determines its significance. Some can indicate pathogenic disturbance in the reflex area but this will primarily be confined to single small examples. Lacunae can take precedence when seen in conjunction with peri-focal pigments. Pigments allude to organ weakness associated with the family history. In this case, we can say they are trans-generational, meaning they occur in areas connected to familial health issues.
You will be able to implement this information into your clinic immediately.
Study pre-requisite: Essentials, Constitutional Iridology, the Collarette, Pupil and its Border and the Sclera.
Course price Includes a referenced workbook in PDF.
Course outline
What you will learn:
The significance of pigmentation in the iris
Heterochromia in detail
Significance of pigmentation in the gastro-intestinal tract
Significance of pigmentation in the ciliary zone
Supported with case studies from the desk of Toni Miller
7 modules. 10 CPE points.
Full Price: $300 Australian Dollars
Includes Free Worldwide Shipping
Payment can be made by PayPal or Bank Transfer
If you would like to make an order contact Iris Supplies at:
Phone: +61 3 5975 0927
Mobile: +61 401 170 986
WhatsApp: +61 401 170 986
As a medical doctor, I had misgivings about Iridology before doing your course, You have changed my viewpoint on the value of Iridology in a most positive way.’
Dr. P.H. G.P. Lindfield Australia
'I couldn't take my eyes off the screen in this section. I love that the three modules in this unit are peppered with case studies. I feel I am ready to start practicing as a professional Iridologist.'
K.W. ND Auckland New Zealand