572 high resolution images to enhance your experience...
23 chapters of information including some of the rarest iris signs that makes this an essential choice for all teaching
institutions and Iridology practitioners
Arrows and commentary below each image assist explanations of complex iris signs.

This text will serve you long after you finish your training.
Use it every day in your clinic, feeling confident that the answers you need are at your fingertips. Find information or an image using the comprehensive index.

Embrace new Iridology terminology.
Shading is used to assess functional efficiency. New terms are more in line with naturopathic philosophy and
better describe what you need to convey to your clients.
"Toni’s language is clear and accurate. She has been daring enough to introduce more modern terminology in iridology, which is long overdue."
Kitty Campion. UK.
The New Edition (2016) of the award winning, best selling “Integrated Iridology Textbook” is the most comprehensive English Iridology text in the world by Toni Miller - IIPA Iridologist of the Year 2014.
A most have for all Iridologists & Iridology Students!
Book Features:
Hard cover
Stitch bound (so it will open flat)
Ideal for teachers, students and professional Iridologists
Case histories NEW
Comprehensive index NEW
Multiple charts and tables
Expanded index makes it really easy to find what you are looking for, whether information or images.
Fabulous illustrations
250 graphics
572 high resolution iris photos NEW
Arrowed signs and explanations under images NEW
Descriptions of physical, mental and emotional significance of eye signs
Clearly defined explanations enhance your ability to understand Iridology
Information attuned to current research
23 chapters NEW
Weight: Over 2kg Dimensions: 26cm x 22cm x 4cm
Price: $299 Australian Dollars
Price with 8x Iris Torch: $319 Australian Dollars
Free Worldwide Shipping included in all prices.
For more information about the Iris Torches click here
Buy Now Textbook & 8x Iris Torch
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If you would like to make an order contact Iris Supplies at:
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More Information & Reviews
The text has been expanded from 68,000 to 110,000 words. It has had 80 images replaced, plus an additional 74 in the new chapter! Due to the advancement of offset print technology over the years, you can expect the images in this revised edition to be high resolution, crisp, with great detail and true color. The page numbers are the same as the original so that course referencing will not change. A big feature I'm sure you will enjoy is the addition of arrows and explanations under many of the images to explain the signs under discussion, which will take your understanding of iris signs to a whole new level!
You will love the addition of the new chapter entitled "Things you should know". This chapter includes:
* "How to do an Iris Assessment",
* Some additional information on the pupil and its border
* Genetic irregularities of the pupil
* Cataracts
* Corneal scarring
* Surgical changes
* Trauma injuries
* Extra information on pigmentation including a case history of complete removal brown pigment from a mixed eye using laser
* Atypical pigmentation alert
* Extras on the sclera
* Case histories
* and more...
Peer reviews:
"Toni's writing style gives the reader a similar experience to being in a live class. I devoured each page and could hear Toni's voice as she passionately shared Integrated Iridology concepts. I'm so inspired and excited about this new edition with updated research and high quality images. Each chapter is a treasure trove of information about physical, mental and emotional layers of iridology. The use of arrows and commentary effectively brings the images to life. Toni's inclusion of herbs, lifestyle advice and life lessons, makes this book an invaluable resource to any student of natural therapies.
Throughout the book Toni uses positive language to empower practitioners and clients alike. She teaches that words can be medicine or a poison; that how we describe what we see in the eyes to our clients is of paramount importance. She allows eyes tell their own story rather than trying to make them fit into a personal belief system. 'How to do an Iris Assessment' is packed full of useful information to assist you to develop your own system of analysis and communication. She simplifies the process into manageable chunks that eventually become second nature to avid practitioners.
Toni is a true pioneer in the research and advancement of Iridology. I sincerely hope that this book is embraced by people all around the world, from those with an early interest in Iridology to the advanced Iridologist. It is surely written in such a way that it can be enjoyed by both."
Christos Miliankos IIPA (International Iridology Practitioners Association) President 2017
"This book is a valuable reference to the advanced iridologist who would like to clarify a sign or learn some new iris signs. Toni has presented her own research in this field showing signs never before discovered. The age old questions about iris change have been thoroughly addressed. She includes an explanation of the emotional links between organs and mind, making this text book a treasure of "Integrated Iridology". I thoroughly recommend this text to all students and practitioners of Iridology".
Ellen Tart Jensen PhD., D.Sc. CCII USA Past president IIPA
"I am sure that all practitioners of the 'healing arts' will greatly benefit from Toni's book and I personally see it becoming a 'necessary' text for all those seeking to study, apply or teach iridology. I commend this text to all those interested in the study of Iridology and congratulate Toni on her achievement in producing such an outstanding resource".
Denis Stewart BA ND DBM /Australia Australia's foremost Herbalist
"The world has long needed a precise and practical Iridology reference. Toni Miller's book fulfills this need. It goes beyond introductory concepts and shows that accurate iris diagnosis is much more than just a sum of its markings. Toni deals fearlessly with some of the old myths that have held iridology back including iris structural changes, healing lines and emphasis on reversing pigmentation. Her section on psycho-neuro-immunology is outstanding. I am thrilled that this excellent book is the result of her considerable commitment to international iridology. It is a culmination of extraordinarily in-depth knowledge and her highly developed intuition, proven correct by clinical experience for which she is famous. I hope her book will be widely read and open-mindedly investigated by her peers, her many students and by the public."
Kitty Campion ND Homeopath England
"Congratulations for the creation and publishing of your textbook. You have provided the field of iridology with a valuable resource for years to come. Good job. What a blessing!"
Dr David Pesek PH.D. Director of American College of Iridology USA
"Ms Miller has integrated the teachings of many of the world's greatest iridologists and actively questioned myths that have held back this insight into the person's health. As a clinician and iridologist I appreciate the offering to the profession is not just an academic appraisal, but a successful practitioner with 30 years of practice and 25 years as a lecturer passing on their knowledge to the peer and novice alike. 'The Integrated Iridology Textbook' will fill the void that lecturers have been seeking for a comprehensive and current text that covers the assessment of the eye. Iridology is an assessment technique which views the pupil, iris and sclera, which have all been documented in a clear and concise manner by the author. If you have studied Iridology and not had the joy of working with constitutional iridology then this book is a must.
I have no hesitation in recommending this book as something the student or practitioner will use as favored reference that will not just sit on the shelf and gather dust".
Justin Lovelock ND Board ANTA (Australian Natural Therapy Association)